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Re: Reinstate the the truth!
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Published: 19 y
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Re: Reinstate the the truth!

This is just an anecdotal musing but perhaps you can see my point...concerning the predicament we find ourselves in.

The Webmaster is the *owner* of his site and he can *set* whatever boundaries he wishes and he has. What it reminded me of, was in my own business, we would run into people, rarely, who would like to purchase something we offered, but only if the person selling it to them was a man. Well, our integrity and values demanded that this person, once he crossed our threshold was in our boundaries and we reserved the right to sell anything to anyone or NOT. So we would explain, if you want to buy something here, you need to purchase it from our saleswoman. period.

Likewise, in this situation, the Webmaster has established his boundaries, tired of the lack of respect for the fact that this is HIS place of business. Perhaps he just does not WANT to deal with the situation, whatever, it is his prerogative to extend the privilege of posting space on any topic. Easy solution to bad behavior, (and certainly, even in my world, the muckiness of name calling and verbal shoving is more akin to schoolyard or bar room tactics than to what I am sure he intended) is to shut the door to all of us.

I regret that it has come to this and would that it be otherwise and yet, it seems that one of the errors in perception here is that this is a PUBLIC forum. It isnt. Of course any of us are able to put up our own site, invite others and go forth into the time continuum chasing our tails somewhere else. The politics and debates and Conspiracy theories have been with us and will continue to emerge and re-emerge until we all die. This caustic banter between the battling parties seems to only fuel the fire. It reminds me of one other little anecdotal musing of a time when India and Pakistan were at each other's throats and were throwing down nuclear gautlets at each other with a fury that put everyone on edge. I happened to be caring for a friend's puppy for the evening and another friend was visiting and every time the puppy came near, he would bat it away and verbally abuse it. I finally grew tired of the quibbling and in frustration pointed out that, how can YOU expect India and Pakistan to get along if you cannot even get along with a puppy?

The point being we want to use the information this forum or any other has to offer to bash one another, or to help one another? Again, the implied freedom is to take what you need, offer support or info to those you resonate with and if you disagree, disagree without the cyber-fisticuffs.

You seem to feel the Webmaster should run his place of business like a democracy when in fact, it is not political, it is just his *place of business* and he really is free to run it according to his values, right or wrong, and we are free to take it or leave as it seems some have made that choice to do.

Trouble...well, its a matter of mind over matter...if one doesnt mind, it won't matter and this 2 day blowout is still small change in the grander scheme of what good is accomplished at the Curezone. If the *chimp* displaying continues and it is, in the support and debate Webmaster Forum s, my hopes for reinstatement after a cooling off period dwindle. But I do stand by the Webmaster's right to do what he feels is best for his presence on the Cyber Highway, and hooligans be damned....

Rest in Peace


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