I agree with Rick 100%.
Hey Daddy D,
I agree with Rick 100%. I believe curezone should be a POSITIVE and INFORMATIVE website and we should stay away from ANY and ALL subjects that are going to result in debate. Yes, I know that many health related subjects are naturally going to result in debate. But, I also believe that it can be handled in such a way as to attract more readers rather than send them running. Before the
Debate Forums entered curezone, I would print the
Liver Flush and pass them around Jackson. On that flyer, I would also tell people all about curezone. I stopped doing that when all the attacks began. I could not guide people to a website where there was so much fighting. Attaining good health requires healing and reading all the debates would raise someone'e blood pressure and that's NOT about healing.
I believe curezone should ONLY be about healing and helping. My Daddy taught me you should NEVER discuss religion and politics because there is NEVER an answer.
I have had it with people who are forever attacking my country. America is not perfect, but no country is perfect. As I have said so many times, I don't attack your country, so if you don't live here, leave my country alone.
You say we have the ability to hide the
Debate Forums ? Well, what does a person do when they are looking for ways to improve their health and they do a search on the Internet and find curezone only to discover it's full of hate and attacks? It's their initial introduction into curezone and they don't know to "hide" the
Debate Forums and I am sure many people have run the other way.....probably to Mercola. That person may have gotten a life threatening diagnosis and is looking for help. The last thing they are looking for are two posters who are attacking each other or a lone poster who has a personal agenda against God, America, etc.
Nothing ever is resolved in the debate forums. Sure, I can count on one hand the number of times I go into the debate forums. Everytime I think back to the day I suggested to you we have a war forum, I could kick myself. I think it's because of me, all that garbage began.
If you would only go back and count the number of moderators we have lost, you should remember it's because of DEBATE or individual ATTACKS in one form or another. We have lost some of the top health moderators. Only Bob remains as the top health moderator. I never was an expert moderator and I loved learning what people smarter than me had to say. Now, they are gone. YOU, Spirit, are a great teacher and people could gain so much from you. But, you can't teach because you are always putting out fires on curezone.
Why don't you just make a whole new website and devote it to debates? You formed curezone and I see no reason why you don't just make another website. It could be just as successful as curezone.
I know you want curezone to be one of the top websites, but I also believe that if you would just talk about health, we would become a step higher in the ratings just behind Mercola. The last time I looked, we are up there in the ratings, but we would do so much better without all the debates.
The Pope you "ain't," but I still love you.