Re: "My Last Chance ?" Update !!
Hi Kathryn,
I am so sorry, I meant to answer your reply to my previous letter. Your letter was awesome. Thank-you for the encouragement ! One of the roughest things about changing diets is feeling alone....besides my sister , your responses have been the only ones to my letters. It amazes me how people will so easily take a prescription or a ton of supplements or flush after flush, but not alter their diet. Especially when diet is the cheapest and sometimes easiest thing to do. People don't seem to want an answer if it invades their comfort zones. Even if it can mean life or death.
I definitely hear ya. I liked what you said about the carrot juice and health food store and all in your last letter and I walk into health food stores lined with shelves and shelves of supplements and tons of health books (most new age). I have yet to see any of George Malkmus books or videos (except in the Amish stores in Shipshewana, In.) or large bags of carrots or Barley green or Barley max. I sent my letter to the owner of our area health food store....she has said nothing....she's always been very nice and courteous....but no response. No response from many, but I keep going as I see what God is doing.
My big sister has been a great encouragement to me, while another sister complained that my leggs were too skinny (I have only lost 20 pounds...I have much more to go.) I told her that I didn't care and that I wasn't going back to being overweight and miserable.
Thanx again !