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Curezone Homepage Graphic
SqueakyClean Views: 1,165
Published: 22 y

Curezone Homepage Graphic

I am enjoying seeing all of the different ideas for banners, there are really a lot of nice ones.
My personal favorite is #14 by Roberto. It is clean, neat, and looks really professional and attention-getting.

#0,19, et al. by Webmaster are my other favorites, they are also professional, balanced, and the red in particular is a strong visual cue.

Tracey's are okay as well, like #16,4,6.
I really like Lapis, and his designs are quite cool (must've spent a lot of time!). Especially #23, although overall it is quite dark, maybe if the blue circle on the left was changed to a lighter color like the gold.

It is my opinion that whichever one is chosen should maintain a professional, above-board, no hocus-pocus, striking image. This way, when people come here, they won't feel that it is some random website full of crazy suggestions but actually very reputable. While I do think graphics like the popular #5 by Lapis look "cool" and has some good symbolism and meaning, I also think that it loses the professional edge. #14 and #0 really focus the attention on Curezone and its motto, emblazoning it on the memory without any distractions.

I myself am not a professional, although I did take a graphics design course once. I just thought it would be good to mention WHY one prefers certain graphics rather than just voting. I would be interested to hear other peoples' criteria and reasons they prefer whichever banner. Thoughts?


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