Re: Questions on diet
I believe the question whether you should or should not follow a vegetarian diet is one you need to answer yourself. Follow your instincts, your feelings, instead your head. You can justify every theory that exists and provide it with perfect arguments and proof. Yet, the question still remains, is it suitable for you and for what your purpose is here on Earth, or for the lessons of growth and understanding the larger picture of things?
I agree with those who promote non-vegetarian ideas who require a body that is more dense and permits the experience the various facets of duality. In other, words, a diet that incorporates the eating of dead flesh foods, for example, generates low frequencies in the body that allows you to operate from a level of consciousness that can fathom the 3-D and dual expressions, such as right and wrong, good and bad, fear and love, more fully. If you are after unified awareness, dead foods will be of little use to you, in fact, they would interfere with what your are striving for.
In truth, there are no bad foods or wrong diets out there and each one has a purpose of its own. Some diets are so dense that they make your body very congested. The congestion, in turn, opens you to the experience of limitations, pain, and stress, which, turn, may just be what you require to get in touch with old pain, trauma, shame or guilt. Once you have cleared these old energies, you may suddenly feel inclined to eat a more pure diet.
So, just as knowledge or experience of truth is different in different states of consciousness, so is each diet useful and necessary for each state of consciousness. A lower consciousness requires more dense, dead foods, like meat. A higher consciousness needs the more pure foods, that are full of life force. The way most people eat in our "advanced societies" reflects the need to learn life's lessons through suffering disease, otherwise they would not even look at their unresolved inner issues and suppressed feelings. In Ancient Tibet, criminals were punished for their crimes by feeding them only meat, nothing else. Soon they developed the same kinds of disease that are so prevalent today.
There are hundreds of studies that have looked at our diet and related illnesses during the past 100 years. At the turn of the 2oth century, only 10 percent of all diseases were chronic diseases. Today 90 percent are chronic. Overall, consumption of animal protein had increased by over 500 percent, with fat consumption about the same. I personally have been able to help thousands of chronically ill people, including terminally ill cancer patients with less than 2 weeks to live, recover from their illnesses, just by cutting out all protein-dense foods.
When you look at the how such strong non-carnevorous animals such as elephants, cows, horses, and gorillas can live without eating flesh foods, but become weak and sick when you feeds them with animal flesh, it shouldn't surprise us when humans too become ill on such foods.
I have spent several decades traveling around the world and spent time in remote areas of Africa, South East Asia, Asia, South America and Europe. I asked the locals about their diets and their ancestors' diets. They very rarely ate meat or had access to cows milk. They live of the land, eating vegetables, grains, pulses and fruits. In the villages of Greece and Cyprus I found the people were just eating like I did. When I asked them how often they would eat meat, they told me: May be once of twice per year. I spent a lot of time in African countries and the locals showed me all their tradtional dishes. None of them included meat. Today, it has become "fashionable" to eat meat. But many complain that since then sickness has become much more common that ever before. In India, where I also lived for a year, vegetarian food is the main dietr and has been for over 10,000 years. Chinese traditional food is also vegetarian, consisting of rice, vegetables and beans. It is no different in the states of the former Soviet Union. And yet, there were always people who were eating meat. But, as I said, we choose, albeit unconsciously, our diet according to our individual requirements and state of consciousness.
Once again, listen to your gut, for it is your body that has to deal with the food, not your mind. Basing one's dietary habits on rational decisions can be misleading, but can also help you learn important lessons about yourself. So, in a way, you cannot go wrong. Everything in life is useful, even if it pain. For me personally, my 30-year old balanced vegan diet has been my body's choice, for all the other foods do not attract me the least. I would suggest that you don't eat any foods your body doesn't like, and that you follow your instincts when it comes to making your choices regarding diet. I have written a lot about the subjects raised in your post, especially in It's Time to Wake Up and The Key to Health and Rejuvenation, if you are interested.
With warmest regards,