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Re: Tortillas might not be the best thing to eat...Blueduck
OldPilot Views: 11,504
Published: 22 y
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Re: Tortillas might not be the best thing to eat...Blueduck

(No Lapis, it's not my regular diet, my regular diet was much worse than that)

The first thing I tried was the apple juice and cider, twice in fact, but it didn't seem to help. I was so full I was afraid to try the ES at that same time, I think I'll try it first next time.. It was a pretty bad attack and lasted until around 2am.

I'll be taking another flush this week. At this point I don't know whether to wait until the weekend or do it tonight. Probably the sooner the better, I work for myself so I can do it anytime.

One thing I've noticed seems to be a common denominator, each time I have an attack or that "pressure" under the ribs it is preceded by a day or two of being more gassy than usual. I think it may have something to do with it...possibly it's because digestion is not normal if the gallbladder isn't getting the bile to the intestines. Also, I looked at the link on dairy products. Naturally I just bought a 1/2 gal. of 2% milk, I'll give away.

The tortillas had no lard, or cholesterol. It did have 5g fat and 1.5g saturated fat (which is not much). The beans had no fat of any kind. So the truth is I don't understand how any of that could have caused an attack. The cheese maybe? The coke I had was around 3pm. Maybe nothing triggered it. I don't know, but I hope I don't go through one in Texas. Maybe I just won't eat while I'm there :-)



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