Re: Dear Lapis
Where are you currently with your detox/cleansing? Have you made efforts to improve your drainage/elimination organs? Have you considered colonics? Are you involved in liver/gallbladder flushing?
Have you every had a leaky gut test? Have you ever had alternative adrenal function test? What is you current dietary approach? Are you aware of the mycoplasma connection to
Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome and FM?
It is my strong belief that elimination organs must be functioning as well as possible before cellular detox should be initiated. I would also look into other forms of chelation such as clay baths and especially
Far Infrared Sauna (this has helped many people that I personally know with yours and similar conditions.
The Beck Protocol has four parts which are explained
For more on zapping ( Hulda Clark ) you can visit the zapping forum here at curezone.
These protocols look after the bacterial/parasitic component of one's total toxic load. Both protocols have been used successfully by many people. The Beck protocol is much more thourough IMHO but zapping is used as part of a total regime as found in
Hulda Clark s books.
Have you dealt with external toxins in your environment?
Other things to include would be rebounding, hot/cold shower therapy, and meditation.