Day 1 for me! Salt Water works!
Hi folks, 31 year old Male here who heard about Master Cleanser on Howard Stern and felt the need for a change.
Last night I took a laxative tea, and this morning did the salt water thing. It was terribly hard getting that much salt water down,
and in the end I only did 3 cups instead of a
quart. Well, it took me about 1.5 hours to get that much down, but sure enough, it
did exactly what it was supposed to do and this reward is definately positive reinforcement :)
I have not tried the lemonade yet, still waiting for the saltwater to clear out. I intend to go no less than 15 days for the first time
out, and am doing Master Cleanser straight, with no outside stuff.
At this point I am still clinging to cigarettes, but expect the desire to wane as I continue with the program. I have mint tea on
standby. I intend to brush my teeth and gargle with mouthwash on a daily basis, not sure if this is recommended or not, but
a guy's gotta smell good.