Other healthy cleanses besides MC
Maybe you could try one of the mono-fasts, like just apples, grapes, or pears.
Also, I think the B&Ps are very helpful to clean out your gut and you can eat food on the days you are drinking them. Just don't eat anything 1 hour before or after taking each one. If you have eaten junk food in your life (that's just about all of us) you probably have ropes (mucoid plaque) lining your intestines. That might be the reason you have gained weight (your intestines can't absorb the nutrients from the food you eat so you crave more). I was 45-50
pounds overweight 3 months ago. The B&Ps really got alot of that nasty plaque out of me (I know I passed at least 7
pounds of it).
It's okay if the
Master-Cleanse didn't work this time. There are other healthy ways to cleanout your body using natural ingredients.
Who knows, maybe you'll try the
Master-Cleanse again someday. Fasts this long usually require a mental warmup (positive thinking) and lots of prayer.
I'll pray for your success.