Help me decide which contacts to get..
If you're here to spam eye sight products and supplements or the "bates method".. Don't bother. I just need help deciding between contacts..
I have a bad astignmatisim, I can't see near or far and I've tried pretty much every brand of soft lens out there. I can see, my problem is reading. I can't see signs while driving and stuff. So now I'm down to 2 choices.
The pair I think I can read the best in seems to be darker.
The other pair lets more light in, things are brighter and that seems to drive me nuts. BUT! When I first put these on, I thought I did see really good with them but after wearing them for a few At the dr's office and reading the eye chart, I can read the chart the best with these. But honestly, I think it's because when I read the chart they shut off the lights and the room is dark. If these contacts (Acuvue for Astigmatism) are just letting my eyes get more light in, then that explains why I see better in the dark with them..Duh..
My concern is that another eye doctor told me before it's not really good to see "darker" for some reason and that it could make my vision worse. My new doctor doesn't really know what I mean by "darker".. I guess she's never had someone with eyesight as bad as mine before.
So what do you guys think?
Contacts that I see clearer with, but makes things darker
or contacts that make things brigher or let more light in?