I don't have any Lyme symptoms. Just Candida. n/m
It has taken me 6-8 months as well to find out that the chemicals that I have been putting on my body are what is causing pain.
Not to mention all of the money that I have spent, ct scan,
Antibiotics , allergists, even an HIV test.
This really does depress me a great deal.
Its wierd because this is the last thing that I would ever think would be the problem.---even the allergist is a little skeptical because I
don't get the clogged up/runny nose that everyone else gets.--My nose gets really dry and vapor sensitive.
My eyes get so dry/red/dark looking, I can hardly even stand to open them.
Does anything make you feel 'back to normal' --- 100%
what if you do not put any chemicals on your body/hair/face/? do you feel 100%
I can say that it is not 100% for me.
When I work out---If I have used shaving cream in the morning, (hairspray especially) and I go to the gym at night---As I sweat--it
seems as if the pores on my body open up--and the chemicals seep into my body and this is when I have the most pain.--I will work
out for only 1 hour and half and I look like 'hell' because of my eyes being so dry/red/dark looking.
It changes the way I look.
I get 10 hours of sleep and everyone at work thinks that I haven't even been to bed yet.
Non-cosme hairspray/shaving creme are not working.
I was taking a hair loss product topically that (I swear) on top of the hairsprays, colognes, alcohol, chemicals-- it opened up/ate away
that part of my body that fights off chemicals...now I am sensitive to everything.......everything
Do these symptoms sound like yours? please help
I am in the process of planning out a
Liver Flush and liver detox program. any comments here either
look forward to your response