90% have gall stones and sometimes even without any symptoms. That is what happened with me. I considered myself a very healthy person. Never had any problems with my liver. Then I got intrigued by my friend doing those clenses. He told me "Let's bet you have gall stones!" So I made a bet and flushed my liver.
It was one of the best thing I ever did for my body. Yes, my frind won the bet. I am thankful to fim for that! I got alot of green and yellowish gall stones. I felt great!
I started to look much better. My skin was shining with health, no more red spots. I fixed my thyroid gland (by one clense!), yes it caused me problems, but I did not even realize it and did not think that there could be a connection. I became stronger physically I could run high up stairs without getting short breath.
I loved it and I keep flushing every two or three months now!
I strongly recommend it to everybody including those who don't have any problems with liver and gall bladder. There are plenty of benefits one gets when flushing.