Hello all.... last night I went on a new website where an autopsy pathologist was talking about the liver flush.... he said that he deals with Gallstones all the time, and they sink like stones. also he said they are not round but multifaceted(much like the ones in that famous picture).He also wnet on to say that forming a tough membrane around a globule of fat is exactly how the body deals with fat and so what we are seeing are globs of olive oil surrounded by this membrane. I don't know what to think, and altho I am inclined toward trying the flush I am concerned about putting more stress upon an organ(my liver) that is already taxed.... please....input??
liver stones or just some formations of oil mixed with body juices?
Gallstones sink in water. The Gallstones you ll produce from this recipe will float, as the alternative thinkers themselves point out." SRC="http://www.pathguy.com/joescope.jpg">