I finally found a local Chinese Dr. to cure me.
She has appropriate credentials and a diploma in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) ----
She is actually Korean and speaks very little english, but her husband speaks fairly good english and he translates for her. They run a little store called Yelim Herb Center.
They gave me an exam, pulse in various places, blood pressure, etc. and asked a lot of personal questions. They have over 360 herbs and a giant vat in back. They brew up the potion and siphon it off into vacum sealed boiling bags. They give you 60 bags per month. You take two a day between meals. It doesnt taste too bad, a little like expresso.
You return a few days before you run out and they repeat the examination and modify the recepe if required for the next month's supply.
It's $300 a month, I'm only on day 2, they said I should start feeling the effects in 1 week or so.
Wish me luck, others on the yahoo list have reported great success with the TCM approach.
To remove a 2.8
cm stone they recommend a 6 month treatment.
I was just too chicken to try and flush a stone that big. It scared me to death.