You decide your own destiny
We are all here to learn.
Some people catch on quickly to the
Master-Cleanse because they have dabbled in healthy living but had no plan. (Just a bunch of info -- eat this; don't eat that -- but without knowing why.)
Others have been living a very healthy lifestyle for a long time and this is a new recipe they had not heard of yet.
I'm sure those that give somewhat harsh advice do not mean to insult anyone. They (we) have been where alot of newbies are now.
We know the pitfalls and challenges that are ahead for you.
We want to share to help others avoid some (but not all) of those problems.
If we seem blunt about a certain aspect of the MC, maybe it's because that was us a few weeks, months or years ago, and either no one told us what to do or we were too lazy to look it up in the archives or someone did tell us but we were stubborn (making excuses). Now that we made it through, we are trying to make it easier on you by what we experienced.
And some people will take that advice and move on. Others will not, and learn on their own.
Yes, every body is different, so there is probably an experienced faster that had or is in the same circumstances as you. Hopefully, that person will answer your question.
You don't believe every advertisment you see. So don't blindly follow any and every piece of advice you read from anywhere (newspapers, TV, internet...).
If some complete stranger walked up to you and called you an idiot, why would you care?
Does that person's opinion mean anything to you?
When I have read advice at this site that interested me, I would look up additional info on it with the search box at the top of the screen, even going out on the web for more facts, opinions, etc.
If, after soaking more in, I believed it would help me without being dangerous, I would try it.
If you read something as insulting...just stop reading it and move on to the next one.
There is so much info here...don't let a few remarks stop you from learning.