Graham...Autism CAN be turned around!
I really wish I had found this post months ago when you
first put it here. I'm usually only on curezone for a little
in the morning and evening...and try to check in up in the
day...but today is a rainy day...and I've been just playing. :-)
ANYWAY!!!!! I won't go into my whole story here...I know
people are getting tired of reading it. But I've studied
Natural Healing for 2 decades. I worked for one year in a
Health Clinic/Food Store to study under the 2 Naturopaths
that owned the store...and while there I met a young mother
of 4 boys. The youngest was 3 and Autistic...she was
constantly researching to find an answer for her son. He
didn't act like he was aware of his surroundings at ALL. And
if he "made" a was usually to scream and fight.
THAT was when I first started at the clinic.
She began
experimenting with his diet...taking him off of all gluten
products...dairy, I'm not even sure exactly what all she did do.
It's been several years...but I can check that out.
HOWEVER, within about 2 or 3 months, he began responding to
people around him. And I swear to my soul...when I left the
clinic....he was 4 years absolute delight to talk to.
He would come in the store side of the clinic...and walk
around shaking hands with people and he would say, "Hello,
my name is Noah, what's YOUR name?" And he would carry on
the sweetest conversation with anyone who would slow down
and talk to him. His mom went on to start an organization...
and help other parents and kids...and they ALL started talking
and doing TONS better.
So there IS hope! I'll check and see what this mom
case it comes up again. But NEVER give up hope. It's all in
your childs diet. YOU CAN TURN HIS LIFE AROUND!!!!
Until you find out exactly WHAT to do...just put him on a
healthy diet. Take him off of all gluten products...the
health food store can help you there...most of them have
gluten free products (breads, etc). Take him off of all dairy...
take the
Sugar out of his diet...and give him health building
foods...lots of fruits and vegetables. Do research on
gluten and dairy and Autism...and let me know if you want
more info on what the lady did. kathryn