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Arcanum Views: 2,344
Published: 21 y
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Re: Mental and body fatigue


This is a very typical situation that you are describing of people who begin to explore Homeopathic medicine. Unfortunately, what happens a lot is that a person will explore one or more Homeopathic over-the-counter products for 'exhaustion', or 'depression', etc., which may or may not provide short-term relief, but ultimately don't change the root of the problem, and many of these individuals are left with the impression that "Homeopathy doesn't work". Or, they may have experimented with some remedies as suggested from any number of "homeopathy at home" type of books.

As well, in the area of diet, there is an overwhelm of information, and when someone is struggling with ill-health, they begin to try one or more diet programs, again, which may or may not be suitable for their unique metabolic-/glandular-/blood-type, etc., which must all be taken into account so that a unique, individualized approach to diet can be used.

A few years ago, I was in a state of health very much like the one you are describing, and I tried all of the above, with limited or temporary result. In the past 3 years, by being guided through the process of Sequential Homeopathy, I have resolved all of my health issues, and improved my overall state of well being in ways I couldn't have imagined before.

This involves, among other things, using specific homeopathic remedies to remove all the blockages in the mind/body system - whether of emotional or physical origin, and as well all of the genetic patterns which run in a family, such as cancer and heart disease. As well, the individual's "constitutional" remedy, which relates to their unique personality type, is used to help increase overall balance and energy.

There's a lot more to this system of treatment, and you are welcome to ask me any more specific questions, based on what you are looking to achieve.

You are on the right track by looking into Homeopathy, I would just like to see that you gain the most benefit you can from this powerfull system of medicine.

Jeff Korentayer HD

Arcanum Wholistic Clinic

Arcanum Wholistic Clinic



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