sure the stones move down and move around and sometimes cause an uncomfortable feeling and even a bit of pain. i had this happen after flush #6 - i felt them come down and get 'stuck' as the ignorant call it (they are already stuck if they are in your bile ducts aren't they?).
i lived my life like this with occasional sharp pains until my next flush. with flush 7 they came out. some were almost 2/3 of and inch! the experience was not that bad. really.
i haven't had pain or discomfort this time around and i'm flushing tonite. but i understand your fear and concern. i get nervous just thinking of drinking the oil mix but at the same time look forward to it. it is very rewarding and exhilirating to see what you pass the next day and how much healthier and vibrant you feel.
if you are worried about things stuck then make sure you take the salts. they relax the bile ducts and prevent the pain of 'stuckness'.
and your naturopath has to get with the times and learn more then he knows. don't let anyone scare you with their ignorance! you have a community here that has flushed many times, had many different experiences and can share them with you!
take advantage of that! flush away that fear!