I layed flat on my back for 25 minutes directly after taking the OO/GF concoction. Then I rolled over to my right side and went to sleep. I tossed on both sides every now and then so I can't say I really spent the night on one side or the other.
I slept really good until I passed the first stones and then I was wired. I slept lightly until i got up again...waking up and falling back to sleep a bunch. I took 4 capsules of Orinthine (sp) before bed also encase I hadn't mentioned that.
Not to sound "weird", but after I passed the stones I was wired and felt really happy. Not about passing the stones, although I was glad to see them, but just in general. My mood was elevated for whatever reason, it was kinda weird.
The only thing I could associate with the Epsom Salts was I felt sluggish and tired although that could have been just from lack of food and not enough sleep the night before. I just absolutely hated the taste though.