My husband is going on his 2nd day of the liver/gallbladder cleanse. He is doing the one with apple juice, oil/lemon and Sea Salt flushes every morning. Why I am concerned is that he is very ill. By ill I mean throwing up and has the worst all over 'migraine' possible (going down through his neck muscles).He says it feels as if he has been poisoned. He was up all night last night. Falling asleep sitting up. I need to tell you that he felt this way BEFORE he started the cleanse. He has 'migranes' often and then once in awhile,he will start throwing up. He said that what he throws up it looks like snot. Green and thick and slimey. We always asummed it was sinus related, but then about 5 years ago he went to see a distant friend of ours who is a kienesiologist (not sure if i spelled that right...) He told my husband that it was his gallbladder. and that he was on the brink of forming stones. (my husband was very ill when he saw him that day and he was able to see the funk he was throwing up)so he gave my husband what he needed (not sure now-its been so long) and within a few days, he was doing great. and hasnt had another (on this scale) attack til this past week. since we have gotten the internet and i have been able to do my own research about this matter more in depth and came across this cleanse. so when he started showing sypmtoms that he had before, i immediatly started him on it. But with him being so sick like, i am worried. anyone else come across this? thanks for your help!