33 lbs. so far - 19 to go ?
My first day I lost 3 lbs.
My first week = 9 lbs.
2nd week = 2
lbs. (because I did my first
Liver Flush ever)
It was very successful, many quarter to golf ball-sized floating balls and nickel-sized stones. But it also loosened some mucoid plaque and caused alot of almost-blockage, salt-water was not working.
3rd week = 5
4th week = 8
lbs. (Did a second live flush with lots of prune juice to push out the blockage) Ohh, CORRECTION I started the B&Ps on Day 21 (not Day 10).
5th week = 2 lbs. (more blockage and prune juice...even though lots of ropes coming out)
6th week = 2 lbs. (same)
7th week = 3 lbs. (same, but the ropes are getting thinner and less frequent) I think I have turned a corner, more consistant weight loss now.
It is very frustrating when you have not eating any food for a week and only lost 2
pounds (or even gained), but my body is adjusting to quite a change from the past 10 years. I'm sure it is learning (and breaking cravings), just as my mind is ... that the toxins have to go.
I have not quit because I am not doing this fast this long ever again (so why would I stop/start again and again by cheating).
Next year, the 10 day fast will be a breeze.
My body deserves this break, I have fed it with alot of junk over the past 36 years.
And as always, prayer gives me strength.
I would not have made it this far without Jesus.
God gave me this body and I have treated it poorly before.
Now, I look forward to feeding it good, healthy organic food.
I have even been stockpiling recipes (and converting bad ones).
Good luck to all.