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Yoga Music - Meditation Music
alpha consumer Views: 1,555
Published: 21 y

Yoga Music - Meditation Music

Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day Holiday!

I found a great resource of free music to listen to while practicing yoga. There’s many hours of material, most of it really good!

Plus, there's a great illustration/instruction on performing the "Salutation to the Sun" pose.

Hey… what's you favorite pose?

I really like the mountain pose, because I can do it any where... Standing in line at the bank. Mountain pose, while my boss is chewing me out for something that's my fault; Mountain pose, while filling my gas tank, wondering how to rise above my personal dependence on oil.

There must be a way out. I often wonder in these time of quarrel and hypocrisy what other practical things I can do in addition to charity donations and prayer mediation.

Anyone else thinking about getting “off the grid?” Isn’t obvious that energy independence is a health choice.

Anyway, enough rambling, enjoy the music!




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