Re: hints on Paschimottanasana
Hi StandFast,
Take a belt or strap or towel or whatever, sit with your legs straight together, place the strap around the balls of your feet (just below toes) and then holding it in your hands you can use the strap to pull on. This will help to stretch the back of your legs. If your hamstrings are tight, probably from sitting in a chair too much, this asana will be difficult for you. The idea is to pull on the strap and concentrate on lengthening and flattening your lower back, not hunching over close to your legs. At first it is unimportant to even get close to your legs, so just put it out of your mind. Keep your spine as straight as possible, sit up tall with your neck extended nicely and BREATHE. You should try to hold a LONG time, like 5-6 minutes at a stretch. A long hold is necessary to help you to recover from injury, strenthen your resolve and to relax into the asana. Eventually you will reach your feet comfortably (never bend your knees) and you can dispense with the strap.
Just make sure you start practicing correctly, legs straight, feet together and flexed. People who cheat early in the process don't benefit from the asana and never learn to do it correctly.
I recovered from a serious lower back injury myself by doing just this. I remember the first time I was able to kiss my own knees. It sounds funny but it was a nice moment!
Good luck,