Due to some alleged strong arm polling, I have heard the Dems are looking to see if any laws were broken while the President and Repub leadership was brokering votes. Rumors are that some chairmanship's were threatened, among other things.
I strongly suggest that we visulize a positive outcome, that justice is served, and that (somehow) the truth comes out in a way that matters to us. In addition, evidently at least two countries (Nicauraugua -- sorry sp ...) and Costa Rica have not yet signed the treaty. Also, due to some technicality: something like trade bills (or the category under which they fall) must be introduced in the House (this was introduced in the Senate) so the Senate must vote again. It may be just a formality but it only passed the Senate by 10 votes. I strongly urge all spiritually minded people to pray (or otherwise visualize) that some of these men/women in the Congress clear their heads and have the courage to do the right and honorable thing. When we visualize negativity and bad things happening, we only add out energy to that negative outcome.