Re: Kraft & South Beach Diet = Horrific Entrees - MSG and Sodium
Not surprized and agree with most of the concerns. One thing is that we have to finally learn that sodium is not an enemy and is not a problem. It is time to grant full clemency on sodium as it well known that all horrible stories about high blood pressure, strokes, heart attacks and blaming sodium for that is absolute nonsence.
Sodium does not cause high blood pressure as vitamin C does not cause kidney stones. Sodium as you know is super inportant in many many ways. sSodium restriction is very dangerous in any case of adrenal fatigue, much less Addison's disease. If your adrenals are not working top noch, you need MORE that recomended daily alowance of sodium.
And there is more to this:
"A severe restriction of sodium chloride intake has been associated with insulin resistance and obesity"
Low salt intake modulates insulin signaling, JNK activity and IRS-1ser307 phosphorylation in rat tissues.
Prada PO, Coelho MS, Zecchin HG, Dolnikoff MS, Gasparetti AL, Furukawa LN, Saad MJ, Heimann JC.
"High sodium intake had no detectable effect on blood pressure" CARDIORENAL ABNORMALITIES ASSOCIATED WITH HIGH SODIUM INTAKE: CORRECTION BY SPIRONOLACTONE IN RATS. Cordaillat M, Rugale C, Casellas D, Mimran A, Jover B.
So. msg is horrible, modified food starch (gmo) is bad, nutrasweet isn't good either, but not sodium! It got mixed up in a bad company. It reminds me the case when you hear ganja mixed among synthetic crack, meth, lcd and others and therefore it is very convenient to blame whaterver you want.