Barcodes on Fruit Stickers Indicate Origin- Gentically Modified- Organic- Normal
Here is an explanation of the codes on fruit stickers
and how to know which fruits are normal, organic, and
genetically modified. You've noticed that tiny
stickers that now appear on almost all fruit, and
probably been annoyed that you have to peel each one
off. These contain bar codes for the check-out clerk,
but they also contain a secret the store might not
want you to know.
Nutritionist Karma Metzgar of the University of
Missouri writes that these stickers also tell you if
the fruit is organic or genetically-modified. On
conventionally-grown, non-organic fruit, the sticker
has only 4 numbers.
Organically grown fruit has a five-numeral code, which
begins with the number 9. Since organic fruits and
vegetables now have to be in separate areas in grocery
stores, this confirms that your apple hasn't ended up
in the wrong pile. However, the store does not have to
reveal which fruits and vegetables are
genetically-modified-but you can find out by looking
at their stickers, which will begin with the number 8.
According to Metzgar, this means a regular banana
would have a sticker saying 4011, an organic banana
would say 94011 and a
Genetically-Modified banana would say 84011.
or (harder to navigate)