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Brine bath can be compared to a 3-day fast
Brine Bath
A brine bath is recommended for skin diseases, rheumatism and joint diseases, after operations, for gynaecological diseases and for children with a tendency to recurring infections, to strengthen the immune system and to detoxify the body.
To get the full benefits of a therapeutic natural salt bath, the right salt concentration is mandatory. The salt concentration has to be at least the same as the one of our body fluids (approximately 1%) to activate the osmotic exchange ratio. Since a full tub normally takes from 100 to 120 liters (27 – 32 gallons) of water at least 1.2 kg. (2.6 pounds) of natural salt is required. To avoid using body energy to balance the temperature, the water should be 37°
Celsius (97° Fahrenheit). The bath should last 20 to 30 minutes. During this time, the body reaches the same salt concentration inside and outside as the one that can be compared to the pre-natal state.
From the brine bath the minerals penetrate the skin in form of ions. The stimulation will cause natural cell growth in the living cell layers. Bio-energetic weak points will be balanced and the body’s own energy flow will be activated.
The natural regulating mechanism of the body, homeostasis, is initiated. The detoxifying effect of a brine bath can be compared to a 3-day fast. Since salt is also a disinfectant, several people can use the same water. Observations have shown that the applications of the therapeutic natural salt bath cure have the best effect at the changes of the moon (at full moon: optimal assimilation; at new moon: optimal detoxification.