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Re: I think I have gallstones 23yr Male
Bruce Views: 3,353
Published: 23 y

Re: I think I have gallstones 23yr Male


Sure wish Dr.s could learn common sense! I am a 56 year old male who had my gallbladder removed because it was full of stones. The operation took place when I was 21 years old. I too had familial history of gallbladder disease on my mothers side. I too spent 18 months in agony and went through 5 Dr.s who all told me that a male my age could not have gallstones. Well, the gallbladder was completelly packed with stones (cholesterol type). Although I would not have had the gallbladder removed then if I knew what I know now (I would just do flushes), it did provide relief for years.

The next thing you need to know, is that the gall stones, dispite Dr.s beliefs to the contrary, are usually formed in the liver and migrate to the gallbadder where they can continue to grow. So, removing the gallbladder is only a temporary respite (perhaps years) but the liver will continue to plug up causing a whole host of problems which can/will eventually become serious.

Get Dr. Hulda Clark s book "A Cure For All Diseases" and read it. Then start doing her flushes. They do work and you can avoid the surgery. Your gallbladder has important digestive functions to perform and you should save it if you can.



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