Re: HELP! (Valerie)
I know you're right, thanks for the support.
It is just so frustrating to feel that you
are going backwards in the healing process,
especially after being sick for a long time.
Ok, gross but informative story:
I had a bowel movement on Friday morning, and a segment
did not come out completely, so I pulled on it
(w/out thinking about it, somehow!) and once in the toilet
I could see that it was in fact a grey-ish flat
ribbon shaped thing, about 4
inches long, encased in feces.
I did not investigate further or look for the
"head" as this was already pushing the limits
of my comfort zone. :)
I took my 3g dose of COQ10 last night- nothing yet!
Will keep posting. Also doing my first
Liver Flush on
Thursday so I will post results on that forum.
Thanks again, and good luck to you!