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Striving for a respectful answer?
sibylok Views: 8,995
Published: 22 y
This is a reply to # 583,481

Striving for a respectful answer?

I think it is totally cool that you looked into this, and that you have concerns about your health. Of course that is what probably lead you to this site, much like myself.

I have no patience for sarchastic, disrespectful answers.

I have concerns too, but I continue to take Pargaone which contains the three "active" ingredients suggested.

Poisonings and toxicity are a fact of nature and the real question here is what dosage is safe for you.
Personnally - I've read the risks and I've seen the results (ie worms in my stools) and I have felt nausea and noticed some psychoactive stuff going on when I'm on the "full" dosage of paragone. I am taking considerably less right now and listening to my body (now my results are slower).

Anything can kill you in the wrong quantities, every plant and animal has with in it a chemical and/or biological property designed specifically to protect its own survival.

Peanut butter and Sugar are some of the most carcinogenic and dangerous foods ever consumed - yet people do it everyday. I've read an article about a man who actually drank too much water and killed himself with WATER.

I don't have an answer - and I'm not going to pretend to either... keep researching the herbs you choose to consume and listen to your body above and beyond anyone elses opinion, including mine.

Thants my two sense :-)


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