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Re: leaky gut
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Re: leaky gut

Hey Blackfoot~~
I also have leaky gut syndrome. I have found some great information on
I take Shark liver oil and selenium to rebuild my intestines. The difference is amazing. I can digest so much easier and there is no more bloating
or pains after eating.
You do need to cleanse but I think the next important thing is to rebuild. Your intestines are renewed every 24 hours. So cleansing your
blood is important because the intestines use immense amounts of blood to rebuild.

I suggest taking some Yellow Dock or Burdock root tinctures also Dandelion tincture works as well. These are purifyers, Dandelion is a blood
purifyer. Milk Thistle may also be a good idea for your liver as it cleanses and heals at the same time. I started taking these and I noticed a
difference within less than two weeks.

It may be a good idea to do another cleanse. Maybe a bit more intense than a 1 day. Try a three day apple diet.
Eat 6-8 apples for three days with lots of water LOTS!. give yourself a home enema on day one and three and take some burdock root tincture throughout.
then at the end of day three eat plain pint of yogurt to reintoduce good bacteria to your intestines and bowels.
From there I would say you should feel significantly lighter and less toxified for sure. Keep taking the tinctures and eat lightly, chew thouroghly
and start taking shark liver oil and selenium. This should give you a vast improvement to your leaky gut syndrome. Over time fix it completely from my research and experience.
I am still working on my program and am seeing beautiful results.

I hope this helps!! There are lots of other people with other experiences as well who should also be able to offer you some good advice.

Take Care!




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