Mr. Clark Gonna' Stomp "Dances With Roaches!"
(August 17th, 2003 -- 7:25 PM EDT // link)
From today's Wolf Blitzer show, Wesley Clark on
Tom DeLay ...
BLITZER: General, I want you to
listen, during the war, when you were
still working for CNN -- and just want
to alert our viewers, you're no longer
working for CNN as our military
CLARK: Right.
BLITZER: But during the war, early in
April, Tom DeLay, the majority leader
in the House, really hammered you
directly. I want you to listen to what
he told our Judy Woodruff then.
LEADER: Frankly, what irritates me
the most are these blow-dried
Napoleons that come on television and,
in some cases, have their own
General Clark is one of them that is
running for president, yet he's paid to
be an expert on your network. And
he's questioning the plan and raising
doubts as he becomes this expert.
I think they would serve the nation
better if they would just comment on
what they see and what they know,
rather than putting their own agenda
forward as an expert.
BLITZER: Well, pretty strong words
from Tom DeLay going after you.
What do you say to that criticism?
CLARK: Well, first of all, I'd be happy
to compare my hair with Tom
DeLay's. We'll see who's got the
blow-dried hair.
But beyond that, Wolf, he's got it
exactly backward. It's upside down. I
am saying what I believe. And I'm
being drawn into the political process
because of what I believe and what
I've said about it.
So it's precisely the opposite of a man
like Tom DeLay, who is only
motivated by politics and says
whatever he needs to say to get the
political purpose. And so, you know, it
couldn't be more diametrically
opposed, and I couldn't be more
opposed than I am to Tom DeLay.
You know, Wolf, when our airmen
were flying over Kosovo, Tom DeLay
led the House Republicans to vote not
to support their activities, when
American troops were in combat. To
me, that's a real indicator of a man
who is motivated not by patriotism or
support for the troops, but for partisan
political purposes.
Noted without comment, but nice dig on the hair!
-- Josh Marshall