While The World Is Looking Elswhere.
Venuzuela is one of the leading oil producers in the World. This A.P. release of C.!.A. propaganda is a lead-in to more political manipulation by the New World Order. More political manipulation for Oil.Just when you thought all the devils in the world were sent to the Middle East, low and behold, "The New World Order" is taking another shot at a country in South America, Venezuela. And Why? Because of Oil of Course. American Oil Companies and Venuzuelan Businessmen have always hated Chavez and want a regime change. President Chavez will not allow the the Huge Oil Companies to force the government to privitize the Nationalized Oil Compnay, which supports almost all of the revenue to run the govenment. This is one more case of huge oil companies desiring to get in the Nation Building Business. You can bet the 1,000 homes the two U.S. Firms(Reread American Intelligence)interviewed never visited the homes of the masses of poor who openly support Chavez. The Multinational Corporations have already led a coup attempt and a nation-wide strike(which was really a strike by the management of Oil Companies) to oust Chavez but this latest ploy is just another trick by Bush & his oil buds to take the oil away from Venuzuela and give it to a few rich elite in Venezuela and the oil barons outside of Venuzueala. I wonder if Halliburton is involved in this rape of this South American Nation? If the elections don't put a pro-Bush big oil president in charge, you can bet the Bush Crime Family will do everything in their power to start a civil war in Venuzuela. I wonder if Weapons of Mass destruction will be found in Venuzuela? You would have to be blind to not see this press release as anything but another oil grab propaganda piece. Where is the objective reporting? One sentence at the end, with the rest of the deck stacked.
Beware, The New World Order
Poll: Venezuelans Would Vote Out Chavez
Tue Aug 5,11:01 PM ET
CARACAS, Venezuela - A poll has found that a majority of respondents would vote President Hugo Chavez out office, giving hope to those calling for a referendum on his rule.
The survey asked voters how they would vote in a referendum on Chavez rule, and 65 percent said they would vote for him to quit while 32 percent said he should stay in office, according to results released Tuesday by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research and Public Opinion Strategies.
The door-to-door poll, which was conducted by the two U.S. firms on behalf of Radio Caracas Television, questioned 1,000 adults nationwide between July 14-20. It had a margin of error of 3.1 percentage points.
The results come less than two weeks after a local poll found more than two-thirds of those surveyed would oust the embattled president. Both polls raised the hopes of opposition leaders trying to organize a recall referendum.
Venezuela's Constitution allows citizens to petition for a referendum halfway into a president's six-year-term. In the case of Chavez, that would be Aug. 19.
Opposition groups agreed Tuesday to unite their efforts to request the referendum on Chavez's rule and establish a mechanism to choose a single candidate for a future election.
The president's opponents want to hold the referendum later this year.
Opponents of the president say his policies have harmed the economy and they accuse him of trying to eliminate checks on his power. Chavez counters that he is trying to free the country from a corrupt political system that ignored the needs of the country's impoverished majority