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Just Diagnosed with Chron's
sash Views: 1,891
Published: 21 y

Just Diagnosed with Chron's

Hi Everyone,

I was just recently diagnosed with Chron's disease along with Anemia and now they are looking at Cancer's too. But meanwhile, I am waiting for all my tests to be done and for my GI Specialist Appt, I am still in extreme pain. Everything that I eat or hits my stomach including water, creates so much pain until I throw up. I am still awake now at 5am because I cannot sleep from all this pain. I am on some pain pills and nausea meds but they barely work unless I take alot of them, yuck, hate to do that. Anyhow, they won't prescribe me anything until my appointments. But, meanwhile I am in extreme pain. My stomach is horribly bloated and hurts to touch. So any of you have any suggestions to help relieve the pain until my appointments? I try to stay positive and have my head cleared with prayer every morning. However, this pain is really unbearable. What point do you make a decision that you can no longer take the pain and go to ER? or do you just tuff it out? Or do I have to continuously keep going to ER for IV's, pain meds, and all that stuff. I hope there are some remedies somewhere out there. Unfortunately, I cannot get any food down my stomach so eating is out of the question.....*S*.

Just need advice from you survivors......


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