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Jasmine Views: 1,843
Published: 22 y
This is a reply to # 578,109


Tracey, thanks so much for your advice on the "warm" water. When I go to bed I usually have a BIG glass of water on the dresser. I usually drink it in the morning. However, I will begin the practice of the warm water instead.

I will look up the info on the shakes and get them printed out and make sure I have everything ready for the 31st of May!

At one time I never drank water at all. It took several years to get used to drinking it....but now I love it! It quenches my thrist better than any drink ever could. And I love the taste now. I am losing my taste for soda and tea. But that coffee has been a hard one....mainly because it has been a habit first thing in the morning. I plan on giving it up completely.

Anyways, thanks to everyone who is posting responses. You guys are the best and so encouraging.


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