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Re: testing for metals
Rod Views: 1,528
Published: 22 y
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Re: testing for metals

Do not expect 3lac or any other anti-fungal or probiotic to be magic bullets, if you have Candida and want to get control again over them you have to follow a very strict diet for a long period, and change your mind on regards to what you're eating, also engage in a very meticulous cleanse process of your whole body, also you have to rebalance vitamins, minerals, get rip of toxins, and get your gut working again as when you were a kid.
Also you have to clean liver, kidneys and lungs. So if you have 25 years or more it means you have to engage in at least 2 years plan to regain control over Candida as well as repair most of your organs that the most likely are not working more than 30% of it capacity due to accumulation of toxins year by year.

So, what you're facing is a journey to be healthy, and that means that if you have had junk food most of your life, it will take you longer to get control over your health again. Take it as a very interesting challenge as I am taking it, it is very worthy. Think about it! While you're getting better through the years the rest of your friends are getting sicker most of the time as they will continue be eating the same SAD (standard American Diet) that create all this problems we have.




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