Re: regeneration teeth + sugar + dentistry
I met a vegetarian family who mostly ate fruit and were practically raw foodists. The mother told me about her son who had lost an adult tooth and a new tooth grew back.
I saw an old man on tv who had now teeth growing back. Maybe it was Ripley' believe it or not.
There have also been many cases of faith healing where limbs grow back and teeth and fillings are filled in. I met a couple of those people and they were so serious and said God healed them.
I have never heard of meat eaters haveing new adult teeth grow back. Meat eaters have acidic bodies, and acidic bodies are unhealthy. For anyone that wants to be a meat eater, they should consider the diet of the Tibetan Lamas who practice the Five Tibetan Rites.
I have heard of beekeepers also regerating teeth and having perfect teeth for whole life. Those bee keepers usually sold the clear honey to mainstream people and kept the dirty honey for themselvs, the dirtiness was a lot of pollen and other goodies that the bees imported.
Keep blood clean, and avoid refined sugar. Refined
Sugar is poisonous, it causes explosions in the stomach, it turns into alcohol (children being raised to be alcoholics), it moves through the body corroding the veins and arteries
My Grandma did not drink alcohol, but her doctor accused her of drinking again and again, Grandma finally said if you call me an alcoholic one more time, I will rip off your nose (Grandma meant every word of it. Doctor shaking in his white coat went and ran some tests and adked some questions. Turns out Grandma had something the had refined
Sugar in it. Grandma tried very much to avoid
Sugar as she was diabetic.
One day I was eating a cherry pie and while I was eating the pie (practically pure refined sugar) one part on one of my teeth literally melted away and a piece came off. No more refined sugar for me, unless it is MahaPrasadam.
In relation to that, i came across a study of one person in a white coat who would inject pure refined sugar into rats for testing (the sugar never touched the teeth). Suprisingly and not suprisingly, those rats developed really bad cavities and had all kinds of dental and health problems.
Eat well and find a spirituality for you, cause the body will fall away anyways. I like
Dental, wholistic, mercury & metal free dentistry
1) Vicco and Uncle Harrys use all natural herbs based on ancient ayurvedic wholistic healing. 2) Myrrh and Neem powders are very healing for gums & mouth. 3) Cleaning teeth with twigs and branches is very good. 4) Flossing with 2 pound strength fishing line is cheaper and safer. Regular floss has mercury and untold chemicals. 5) Using a tongue scraper is very important especially in the morning. ~~ VICCO ~~Vicco, Great for teeth ~~Natural remedies talks about amish with perfect teeth, and they use Sorghum molasses. ~~ If you have metal in your mouth go to this site. ~~ Seattle dentist Paul Genung, very good