Ok I have read everyone's view point on this. And I find it ironic that we seem to draw sides here..If for example we choose to voice our opinion on a subject mater that does not aggree with a particular person someone who happens to like that person attacks. But if we voice our oppinion aggreeing with the same person someone applauds us. I thought the whole issue here was to be able to voice our opinion without attacking each other or for that mater being attacked. We seem to be over looking the purpose of this site altogether. I, for one enjoy reading different views on each issue. But I don't enjoy watching people attack each other because of different view points. Isn't there enough of that going on on T.V.? The simple thing is we all need to aggree to disagree from time to time. Without attacking one another. After all as humans we all do have the law of nature to think for ourselves. And before anyone says who are you anyway..I have been reading this site for quite some time and as everyone knows we all have a right to voice our thoughts here. Without (hopefully) being disregarded as enemies if we don't particularly aggree...
Anita..from downunder.....