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Re: Homemade VS M****tech?

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glycopianoman Views: 2,539
Published: 19 y
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Re: Homemade VS M****tech?

I've been doing glyconutrients for two years now and I can tell you quite a bit about them.

First, Alex, the company won't take anything back. It is a safety thing. Once the box is opened they will not take it back. I doubt that any pharmaceutical company would do that either.

Three weeks is not long enough to tell whether A*******e will do what you want it to do. This is not medication. It is too bad that whoever signed you up with M****tech did not support your needs better. If you do have leaky gut there is another product that will make the A*******e work far better. M****CLEANSE is suggested for people who may have gastro intestinal problems. It is actually good for everyone. Most people should get that the first month or two. M****CLEANSE is the best probiotic and prebiotic intestinal cleanser anywhere. While it does not give you the runs, as you may think, it improves the quality of the gut wall that is to absorb your nutrition. The M****tech experts suggest you do not want one of those fast GI cleaner-outers. The M****CLEANSE is way more gentle on your system and it does far more. It is only in the $30 price range. I works to clean out your gut so the A*******e is better absorbed.

Also if you are having GI problems, you should probably not depend on the A*******e being absorbed through the GI tract. You should take the A*******e by dumping it between your teeth and cheek like snuff. Let it dissolve in your mouth over 30 minutes or so. This gets the monosaccharides into your blood within fifteen seconds. I do this at night after brushing my teeth and it also protects me from dental problems. Also do not take huge quantities at a time. Take no more than a scoop of Advanced A*******e or 1/2 tsp of the classic A*******e at a time. You may take more in an hour or two for more powerful effect. It is food. Spread out your daily amount over the day as you would meals. This goes for all M****tech products. They are best taken spread out over the day.

About the homemade versus M****tech thing? I personally do not have the resources of M****tech. They have the 4 million dollar research labs and they test every component of every product for potency before making it then they test everything again after manufacture for the amounts of the glyconutrients found in the finished product. I can't tell whether the arabinogalactin or larch tree bark actually HAS any monosaccharides in it when I find some. I can't tell whether any undaria pinnatiffida I may find has enough fucose in it or whether it also has high levels of toxins from the ocean from where it grew.

I know M****tech products are identical in each order. Every pill or powder is the same this year, last year and next year. Their labs have fully tested everything. Their sources are the top quality, organically grown, and most toxin free available on planet earth. They actually go all over the world to insure that is the case.

While I may have considered the homemade version early on, I would never rely on the untested stuff with what I know now.

If you are having trouble paying for your M****tech products, remember it is set up so you can have free wellness for life. My products are free every month. I purchase them and then get a check from the company from the other people I have helped get their wellness as well. They call me up frequently to thank me for helping them get started on M****tech. They are getting results and I enjoy having been able to help them get their wellness.

Most important: Your body has a "to-do" list. It knows what is most important for your survival and good health. When we start on Glyconutrients, we do not know what is happening until we see results. Some see results in a day or two, some in a few weeks, some go 2-3 months before seeing results. That is a good thing. The body may be working to repair an aneurysm that was going to kill you last week. Aren't you glad it worked on that first before your leaky gut clears up? We do not always have the same order of importance but the body knows best.

A*******e WILL help you, in fact it will get you all the way to full wellness just don't give up and take it everyday. I have seen it work. I have never seen it fail if the person gets enough for long enough. I don't know how much you are taking, but if I were having your problems I would want to take 4-6 scoops per day of advanced or 1/2 tsp 4-6 times per day of classic in order to see results.

The only M****tech failures are the ones who quit after a month when they saw no results. Stick with it and you will be amazed at what your own body can do to repair itself.

If you have more questions, I can help you



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