Please help! Can herxes come in stages? Depression and pain is now profound!
I've been on the glyconutrients for just a little under two weeks. Went through a Herx immediately from day one. About day 10, woke up to much less brain fog, feeling my lighter in my head and a little less pain. The day after that I gave up wheat and refined
Sugar (only eating an fruit). Trust me when I say before this I packed in the white
Sugar products and wheat. I also believe now that I've had Celiac disease all this time (my gastrointerologist suspected it from the very beginning. Though I had all the symptoms of it, my biopsy came back negative. I've since learned you can have a negative biopsy and still have Celiac). Celiac is an intolerance to wheat and anything with Gluten in it. I am allergic to wheat. Celiac disease can cause all the symptoms I've had all these years. Anyway, gave up the wheat and
Sugar and it seems like I've started to Herx all over again, however, this time the
Depression has been 10 times worse and the pain to the point where praying to God to either take me or ease my suffering. I think I read on some Herx site that Herxes can happen when giving up allergic or toxic foods, but I was wondering if anyone has heard of this. My
Depression has gotten so severe, that I'm going to stay with my family for a few days, until the worst has passed. I'm not suicidal, due to my religious beliefs, I could never take my own life, though I'd heard of people having Herxes so bad that they do become suidical until the worse has passed. I'm at my wits end. I'm drinking a ton of clean water to try to flush the toxins out, but the grief flowing from me seems so huge. I don't know what it is and it's scaring me. Please tell me this is normal and will pass.
P.S. if this is Libby Libby, no, I am not doing the M****CLEANSE. I did M****tech products, i.e. A*****ose and A*****ose AE for over 6 months with no change in illnes, symptoms and definately never had a Herx. When you see no results after that period of time and are paying so much money a month with no results, I simply could not justify it anymore. I'm sure it is a great product for others, just wasn't the right glyco for me. I did a lot of research on different glyco products (I'm the internet research queen) and found the product I feel is right for me. I really do not want to say which line it is, for it seems like whenever someone posts a company here that others don't rep or use, it gets put down and ridiculed. I don't need that right now. I need support and encouragement that what I'm going through is normal, is my body's way of cleansing/detoxing and will pass. I'm very, very scared right now and I'm just holding on day by day. Five years of pain which I thought I had grown accustomed to, has finally just reached its limit with me. I do need to do a cleanse and have a product I bought several months back for a colon cleanse, but fear if I do that now on top of everything else, my body may completely flip out from too much Herxing. And I'm trying to figure out which I need more right now, a
Colon Cleanse or a liver cleanse. Thanks Libby Libby.