Re: Some good news...
"The bumps were just under the skin (not pimple or anything) and were along my jaw line up the side of my face kind of...on both sides."
I had these!! I have never had any problems with my complextion, even in the teen years, except around my period. A couple of years ago I started getting these just like you on the jaw line, more on the left side, but both sides. I thought it was stress due to my folks moving in with me. I tried potassium and that helped for a while. (I was taking it for restless leg.)
Anyway I haven't had any of theses bumps since I did my first liver cleanse two weeks ago. My first benefit from the cleanse. What a relief!
Also my left wrist (arthrisis according to my DR) is much relieved, but it comes and goes, so we will see.
I do notice my skin is dry. I am drinking a lot of water, but probably not enough.
I start with BP shakes Saturday. Yippee!