This is 2nd day after flush. This morning I was laying there and at the bottom of rib region I felt and heard something that I'm not sure how to describe. Make this sound quickly and forcefully with lips: "P'sh, p'sh, p'sh" -- I imagined it as stones/stuff being shot out. Then shortly after some rumbling further down in gut.
Went to the bathroom and maybe around 100 sand to pea-sized material floating on top. They were shades of tan, they were hard, and when pushed hard with a q-tip would come apart with a kind of crumbly consistency to them.
Improvements since first flush: The lack of pre-menstrual symptoms. My breasts would become swollen and extremely, terribly tender for 1 to 2 weeks before my period and that didn't happen last time. Also, the skin on a couple of my fingers on the right hand has been quite dry for a few years. For a few days after flush they became extremely soft.