...from the Impeach Bush list....
Oppose Tyranny '03
"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."
* George W. Bush, 12/18/2000, CNN
Many on the side of democracy, morality and the law of nations are facing dark times these days. Morale is waning. Bush has achieved what the media endlessly tells us is a "victory."
Perhaps. By "liberating" Iraq's vast oil reserves, and billions (trillions?) of U.S. taxpayer dollars, ShrubCo is in position for some good old fashioned exploitation at the moment.
* U.S. to break 6.4 trillion debt ceiling, The Washington Post (snuck in on Christmas Day Dec 25, 2002)
Dubya will surely try to buy off the Iraqi population (with Iraq's own oil revenues), and he is currently offering them universal health care and free education up through college level. Notably, Bush does not want these things for U.S. citizens. This goes on as Bush's policies have bankrupted America's cities and states, and even the federal government is running on the greatest deficit in history: "The US government already faces a record deficit of possibly $304bn in this financial year." -BBC
* Bush makes tax cut plea
So, Bush is highly vulnerable, and it is now time to exploit his vulnerabilities in the run-up to Election 2004. Here are seven planks for a solid anti-Bush Administration platform:
1) The economy is in the tank.
Bush policies have transferred enormous sums of wealth out of America. His "trickle down" theories of rewarding the richest members of society have not turned into investment in the United States, nor in increased consumer spending. Wealthy investors have no obligation to keep their money in the USA at all, but can invest anywhere in the world, or store funds in off-shore accounts. Bush's own father called this trickle down scheme: "Voodoo Economics." The best way to jump start a dead economy is to subsidize lower and middle class citizens who spend their money in the US economy, for the most part.
In the long term, it helps to fund ones own education initiatives so that the next generation will be educated and productive. Leave no child behind? "The states see some of the biggest shortfalls in homeland security, special education and paying for requirements of Bush's education law, the No Child Left Behind Act." -ABC News
* Senate Republicans Pressed on Tax Cut
Or was the Bush education plan simply a veiled attempt to ram vouchers through? And when it failed on that front, Bush just abandoned it?
2) Bush has turned the entire world against us.
His unapologetic belligerence has frightened the planet, far more than Saddam and Osama and Kim Jong II put together. A Time Europe poll recorded 86.9% of Europeans believing that the USA is the greatest threat to world peace on the planet. What this means in the long run is economic conflict, if not military conflict. Talk of boycotting American products has spread across the world. Governments are considering replacing the US dollar with the EURO as the "standard" currency of international trade. This can weaken and devalue the dollar substantially. Over the long term, the "empire" that the belligerent neo-conservative hawks envision will simply rot and collapse of its own weight.
* The Biggest Threat To Peace, Time
3) Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, Wolfowitz, Negroponte and other top leaders are clearly war criminals.
They have violated the Charter of the United Nations by invading Iraq (among other crimes) -- a nation that had never threatened the United States. The entire war is illegal under the U.N. Charter and under the Nuremberg Charter. In other words, there is no legal difference between the Nazi leaders who were tried (and executed) at Nuremberg after World War II, and our own current Administration. The only realpolitik difference is that Bush and company remain in power, and were not defeated in a war. The international crimes, including flagrant violations of the Geneva Conventions (camp X-ray, cluster bombs, depleted uranium munitions, deliberately targeting journalists, bombing and shooting civilians and civilian infrastructure), are indefensible. By discarding these treaties, treaties that have been ratified by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by previous presidents, Bush is clearly in violation of the U.S. Constitution -- our own domestic law -- as well. He has failed to uphold his oath to defend the Constitution, which he swore to at his inauguration (Jan. 20, 2001). These are grave crimes of such magnitude that they make the Clinton Impeachment look like child's play.
* Principles of the Nuremberg Tribunal, 1950
* Crime Against Humanity
* U.S. Govt. Accused of War Crimes against Journalists
* Charter of the United Nations
4) It is Bush and the Republican controlled Congress who have failed to "support our troops," in several unforgivable ways.
In the middle of the Iraq shooting war, BushCo proposed cutting Veterans medical benefits by more than $25 billion, so as to insure even more tax cuts for the richest sectors of society. "On March 20, the Congress overwhelmingly passed a resolution to 'express the gratitude of the Nation to all members of the United States Armed Forces.' Then, early the next morning, the House of Representatives voted to cut funding for veterans' health care and benefit programs by nearly $25 billion over the next ten years. The cuts are designed to accommodate the massive tax cuts the Bush administration has been pursuing-while the war diverts the public's attention." -Dollars and Sense
* In Harm's Way
Secondly, Donald Rumsfeld is responsible for not testing the combat bound soldiers as required by law, so as to have data to compare the health of these soldiers when they return from the combat theater (another impeachable offense).
* Donald Rumsfeld Has Some Explaining To Do - Why Is The Pentagon Sidestepping A Law That Protects Our Soldiers?
And thirdly, the use of radioactive depleted uranium weapons (DU) has placed all combat soldiers (and Iraqi and Afghani civilians) at risk of inhaling the uranium dust which the shells become upon impact. These weapons are a likely cause of Gulf War Illness. Radioactivity has been long known to cause cancers and organ failures. Over 200,000 troops who served in the 1991 Gulf War (one third of all US forces) have applied for disability in the twelve years since the war. The pentagon has repeatedly failed to acknowledge their illnesses, and has stalled the process for 12 years.
* Death By Slow Burn: How America Nukes Its Own Troops, What "Support Our Troops" really means
5) Our civil liberties have been stolen from us by John Ashcroft and Bush.
The USA PATRIOT ACT violates the Constitution, which is clearly illegal without a Constitutional Amendment. They have targeted the Bill of Rights and have rolled back safeguards which protect against political persecution. The McCarthy era abuses, COINTELPRO abuses by FBI, and restricted CIA spying on US citizens are all returning without judicial oversight. Without accountability, the common people are at the mercy of "Big Brother" like agencies in the federal government. Bush's Department of Homeland Security has blurred the line between the "military industrial complex" and civilian law enforcement apparatus.
* The Other War, The Bush Administration and the End of Civil Liberties
6) Election fraud remains an unresolved issue.
In Florida, Jeb Bush has used the exact same mechanism in 2002 to secure his re-election as was used in 2000 to try and tip the scales toward G.W. Bush. The "purge list" remains in effect. Over 91,000 legal Florida voters (primarily black and Democrat) were denied their right to vote in 2002. This comes after tens of thousands of legal voters were denied their voting rights in the 2000 election debacle. These stories were exposed by Greg Palast of BBC, but remarkably don't get the attention they deserve in the U.S. media.
* Exclusive Expose in Salon: Jeb Bush Bars Black Voters from Tuesday Poll, Salon Magazine, Friday, November 1, 2002
* Greg Palast: A Buzzflash Interview
There is no guarantee that widespread vote fraud will not occur in 2004, in favor of Republican candidates such as Senator Chuck Hagel, who it turns out is a major stockholder in the company that manufactures most US electronic voting machines. "One underlying issue is whether Hagel properly disclosed his financial ties to Election Systems & Software (ES&S), a company that makes nearly half the voting machines used in the United States, including all those used in his native Nebraska." -The Hill
* Hagel's ethics filings pose disclosure issue
* Black Box Voting Website
7) September the 11th Investigations have been thwarted by the Bush White House.
* The Secrets of September 11: The White House is battling to keep a report on the terror attacks secret. -NEWSWEEK
Clearly Bush has many things to hide regarding his Administration's role in the events leading up to the September 11th terrorist attacks, including numerous warnings that were ignored, and numerous lies that were told to the American people. Both Bush and Cheney pressured the Congress NOT to hold a public investigation into the terrorist incidents. The Administration has starved the current 9/11 investigation of needed FUNDING and access to DOCUMENTS. They have offered only minimal funds in their hope that very little will be exposed.
* Bush asks Daschle to limit Sept. 11 probes, -CNN
Bush Administration lies about foreknowledge of the attacks have come out in the press. These "smoking guns" and the deliberate cover-up should resonate with every single American citizen.
* Italy Tells of Threat at Genoa Summit (JULY 2001) "Plot: Officials there took seriously a report that terrorists would try to crash a plane to kill Bush and other leaders."
These seven issues form a solid foundation on which to forge the democratic response to Bush fascism. By using the "Reichstag Fire" of 9/11, Bush has duplicated many of Adolph Hitler's strategic moves toward the "dictatorship" that Bush so glibly longed for in the interview cited at the beginning of this article.
Bush has no claim to "democracy" in any way, shape or form. Bush sued Al Gore so that legitimate votes would not be counted in Florida. One who stops a legitimate counting of ballots cannot ever fight for the principle of "democracy." Bush is clearly authoritarian, and he considers himself above the law, including the Presidential Records Act, which he has simply ignored with an executive order, in order to keep his father's shady dealings (in Iraq, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia?) a secret. This is yet another impeachable offense, and if the current "Con"-gress had any integrity whatsoever, it would have shut down ShrubCo a long time ago.
* HIDING PAST AND PRESENT PRESIDENCIES: The Problems With Bush's Executive Order Burying Presidential Records FindLaw's Legal Commentary