Re: How about a real response?
Do you believe that had Al Gore been elected as President, that anything in this country would be any better than it is now, economy, security, stock market, jobs or any other area?
You trash the republicans here on a regular basis and I wonder if you understand, yet, that it really does not matter very much who is at the helm, all is controlled by the big money in the background that you don't see or hear about. Republicans are not the only people with a lot of money and power. What I'm referring to is a global influence that generally plays both sides of a contest or fight, as it serves their purposes, which ultimately gives them greater power and vastly more riches. This is the real conspiracy. The hot air I see here regularly is a waste of time and thought. When you finally see the big picture, you will really have something to investagate and try to inform as many people as possible.
I admire the effort that you put into your arguments and I think you would do an awesome job if you knew the rest of the story.