Re: Irony
Hey, Anon!
The founding fathers of this country fought to grant us the right to speak out when the government is wrong. If you don't like that right, or my exercise thereof, then perhaps
you should leave. You accuse me of hating America, but here you are, demonstrating how much you hate American principles. Freedom of speech, and the right of the people to note when their government is wrong and speak out about it, IS an American principle, the very foundation upon which this great nation was built. How you can pretend you love America and yet hate her principles -- her heart and soul -- just shows how twisted your own "logic" really is.
If dissent and differences of opinion are so loathesome to you, perhaps you could consider China or Turkey. As a veteran firefighter and 9/11 hero, they ought to welcome your skills, and I guarantee you won't hear any public dissent.
Of course, being anonymous (and cowardly, which is so not what real firefighters are), you could just be lying about your heroics. Why should we -- I -- trust you?