I have been trying to make a difference in the water I drink and using a small stainless steel bowl. I made a device a long time ago for making calodial(sp?)water that has 4 - 9 volt batteries connected together. There is a positive and negative wire coming out of the box. I touched the positive wire on the inside above the water line and the negative to the outside of the bowl for about 5 seconds. I am using this box for convenience. I have also tried a new D battery with a-foil electrodes having no different results.
I am not getting any kind of spark or indication that anything is happening when I do this, so I really don't know if I am doing it the right way or not. (I am using treated snow melt water from the water district.) Can anyone let me know if I am doing it correctly? Thanks, Greg
PS I just drank some of this water for acid reflex and it stopped immediately.