Hi. I used to have IC and healed it with slippery elm bark and also getting rid of food allergies via NAET.
The slippery elm will heal the lining of the bladder. It is also good for any other type of ulceration of the intestinal
tract or stomach. IC is basically an ulcerated bladder. If you take 4-5 capsules or 1tsp slippery elm about
40 minutes before you eat or drink anything it will put a protective coating on the bladder so that it will not be
irratated by anything acidy in the urine. Take slippery elm 3-4 times per day (preferably before eating or drink acidy
or spicy things) for 4 months and you should be healed. Slippery elm is also good to heal a leaky gut. This is
a simple and very inexpensive method to heal any type of ulcerated tissue.