Heard that Dr George Lim, the disciple of Dr Bernard Jensen , and the first iridologist in Asia had start using cryptomonadales (with indinine inside) in replace of chlorella.
Heard that cryptomondales(with indinine inside) contains abundant chlorophyll and phycocyanin while chlorella lack phycocyanin. Cryptomonadales covered with very thin cell membrance, absorption by hman body is almost 100%, compared to chlorella with thick cell wall and absoption rate is about 60% to 70%. Cryptomonadales contain true nucleus and high quality indinine that help rejuvenate cells; contain 5 to 10 times more vitamin E and Beta Carotene than chlorella; best antioxidant.
Cryptomonadales is best used for detoxification; it is nutritionally balanced and complete (5 tablets of cryptomonadales with indinine contain more nutrients than on kilograms of organic vegetables); it also improce acidic body constitution; and it containhigh quality indinine that help raises the body's energy and helps cells rejuvenate.