Hello Dr. Schulze . I have been told "I think you have bladder cancer" by a urologist. Polyp (flat type) seen via cystoscopy, and "shadow" seen on IVP image. Symptom that took me to urologist was hematuria. I have declined the "scraping of the polyp" surgery procedure so have had no biopsy. I know I can change my mind about that but I really don't want to. Have started cleansing, since I have used your formulas for a couple of years. Am also doing the incurables program. (Hardest thing is just getting through the fear each morning. Yuck!) Once in awhile there is a little more hematuria, and it seems to be the garlic that is bringing this on, but I am guessing. I am hoping this is a cleansing sign but am not finding much info on this. If you can offer me a word of encouragement rearding this, I would appreciate it. Thank you for your life and experience. My best wishes to all of you reading this.