Liver/Gallbladder flush
Dear Doctor,
I received your newsletter for this month on friday and read it from front to back!
This is the second newsletter I have received from you.
Is there anyway We are able to get past newsletters sent to us?
Okay I have a few questions.
I am getting ready to order the Liver/gallbladder flush for my husband and myself.
As you may remember I mentioned in an earlier post to you that I wake up in the mornings with puffy bags under my eyes (BAD) and feeling like allergies in my nose and sinus (not really bad) I can tell its from something inside and not outside the body.
I am wondering if after I do the intestinal cleanse then liver/gallbladder flush if I should do the
kidney cleanse is this necessary too?
I have a friend who muscle tests me and said I needed something for the kidneys and think she feels thats why the puffy bags.
Another very important question I hope you can answer for me.
I read where you say the OO/Citrus juice
Epsom Salts is not a true liver flush. My Doctor told me the samething he said its actually a gallbladder flush. He wants me to do a
Liver Flush but I never bought all the products he said I would need.
I never got that really good energetic feelings everyone else got from the OO/Citrus flush never got rid of these allergy type symptoms. Actually got a severe cold after one and got sick after another one. Did several with seeds looking things chaffing and weird stuff coming out along with the tan and green stones.
I would like to know what you feel the green,tan stones or round things are that come out and float in the toilet?
Do you feel they are stones or just the Oil and juice and bile together?
Thank you so much for your insight. I know I will have more to ask in the future.
I have been reading your catalog like its a book or magazine.LOL
I am hopeing at some point to be able to have every one of your products sitting in my cupboard for when the need arises we have it on hand.
There where several of us here on curezone who went together and I bought over $600.00 worth of your products so we could get the 40% off a couple months ago this was my first experience with your products.
I wish all products could be the same discount.
I have been taking the formula 1 pretty faithful. I was going BM once a day in the morning before I started on formula 1, now if I miss my 3-4 a night I dont have a BM the next morning.
I do drink a ton of water and NO sodas at all.
I also noticed it is having more of a laxitive effect on me now. When I first was taking I would just wake up and go and have a huge BM now I sometimes get kind of crappy and gassy. With 1 big one in the morning and maybe a small one very small once or twice in the afternoon sometimes my pooper burns!
I am getting ready to start the intestinal 2 this week so I can have that finished by next week and start on the Liver flush.
My husband loves your superfood now and feels great and energtic after drinking it.
I on the other hand I do not get the same reaction I dont get the extra energy at all. Do you know why?
Because of this I havnet been drinking it everyday.
I muscle test very positive for this product.
Could it be making me cleanse? It kind of makes me feel sleepy.
weird huh?
Well, I guess this is enough for now.
Thanks for all you do!!!!!